Three Reasons Why You Should Choose a Marble Benchtop

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Three Reasons Why You Should Choose a Marble Benchtop

1 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

One of the interesting things about working with marble is that all installation experts tell you that its durability and viability depends on where you want to use it. The general agreement is that marble is amazing when used to make bathroom benchtops, in offices and around fireplaces. However, most seem to have a bit of reservation about using the countertops when installed in the kitchen. Their reservations stem from the fact that kitchen benchtops are regularly subjected to a lot of wear and tear, which reduces their durability. However, this is just an opinion and it is important to understand the factual benefits of marble before investing in it. Here are the three reasons to install marble benchtops.

Extraordinary Beauty

The main reason why people invest in marble countertops is that they have extraordinary beauty. Marble is naturally formed when dolomite and lime are subjected to a lot of heat and compression. By the end of the heat and compression process, the stone crystallises and the impurities that the limestone contained become beautiful streaks in the marble. The igneous rocks are therefore available in a variety of colours and beautiful patterns which will add elegance to almost any house where they are installed.

Durability of the Rocks

Natural marble is formed in a heating and compression process which takes place over thousands of years. The resulting structure is the most structurally sound and strong material that you can think of. For instance, the fact that the natural rock has been heated to extreme temperatures means that you can comfortably place hot cooking pots on it without the fear of ruining it. The rocks are also non-porous which means that with a little maintenance, you will not have to deal with complications such as water damage. These are the weaknesses that reduce the durability of other materials, and the fact that they do not affect marble increases its useful life.

Ease of Maintenance

Marble is one of the materials that needs a small amount of maintenance to retain its original sheen and elegance. Most homeowners that invest in marble will tell you that the only thing they do is wipe down the benchtop with water and a soft piece of cloth.

These are just three of the many reasons why you should consider having marble benchtops on all surfaces in your home. The crucial thing is to get your supply from a trusted distributor as this will assure you of superior quality benchtops. Look for someone who provides marble benchtops near you.